Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Missing my air...

Whenever I read this poem, I instantly go back to that happy feeling...I know I need to get a grip but it is so hard

Poem #3

I gather up

each sound

you left behind

and stretch them

on our bed.

each nite

I breathe you

and become high.

Written by Sonia Sanchez

...What to do...What to do...?

~Why is that everytime I meet someone I like, and possibly fall in love in with...it just shatters?

It's like am I doomed to only get involved with with people who are currently involved with someone else? Or am I always going to get the crazy ones? I....I just give up...And the lame thing about, this stupid thing we call love and relationships...I am actually sitting here waiting...and...waiting...on someone who claims they feel the same way about me...but has a bizarre way of showing it.
What to do...What to do...?

Monday, May 21, 2007


Enjoy...Take your shoes off...Relax...and Chill...

~~Candi Luxe~~

I’m Candi Luxe…
~Candi comes from…you can figure that one out on your own…;)
~Luxe is short for deluxe and the definitions for luxe are: elegant and sumptuous.~

~~~I’d figured it was about time that I bless this world with my thoughts, rants, and opinions on everything that sparks my interest…~~~

~Now if you like or for some reason dislike my views on things…feel free to comment…nothing like a good debate….lol~